To do together what rural utilities cannot do separately – that they may be sustainable in an ever-changing regulatory and technical environment.

Our Mission

The Rural Water Association of Arizona (RWAA) is proud to be a leader and advocate of rural water & wastewater utility development and assistance in Arizona. RWAA’s mission is to facilitate the optimization of resources while mutually expanding the technical, managerial, and financial capability of member utilities and the RWAA while engaging associate members, funding sources and regulatory organizations in the pursuit of this mission.

Our Vision

RWAA’s vision is to be the recognized leader and advocate for rural utility development and assistance in Arizona; and to achieve financial independence for the RWAA organization in order to better achieve that aim.

Our Values

RWAA conducts its business in a professional manner with integrity and accountability while operating in an environment of accessibility and openness to all stakeholders.

Join Us

RWAA is a large water and wastewater membership organization in Arizona founded on the principle of neighbors helping each other. Membership dues allow RWAA to provide critically-needed assistance to rural and small communities, training for operators, managers, office personnel, and decision-makers, and host statewide conferences and expositions. Get involved with great people, stay on top of events that affect you, and support Arizona’s water and wastewater professionals!