Become a Member of
Rural Water Association of Arizona
Type of Memberships
Voting members.
Public or private water and wastewater utilities and municipalities with less than 20,000 population engaged in the transportation, distribution and/or sale of water and wastewater services in the rural areas of Arizona.
Associate members
Municipalities over 20,000 population, any firm, corporation, organization and/or association adhering to the purpose of the Association and desiring to assist in the work of the Association may become a non-voting associate member.
Individual members
Any employee, Board Member or elected official of a private or public water or wastewater utility in the state of Arizona can become and Individual Member of the Association. Individual Members shall have no vote; however they will receive Association membership benefits, discounts, and Association publications.
Membership Value Proposition for System and Individual Members
Education and Training
1-2 Conferences held annually
$100 discount members enjoy per conference.
24 different classroom training courses we provide.
$25-$50 Discount members enjoy per classroom training registration.
Technical Assistance
On-site technical assistance visit.
Technical questions by phone or email.
All advocacy services are included with the membership.
Workforce Services
Our new membership platform will provide free resources to help water and wastewater systems promote jobs and attract candidates.
$25 member discount to print classified ads in our Conference Booklet.
$50 member discount on the online job posting.
Communications and publications
Our new membership platform will offer access to online resources, including sample templates and forms, emergency response manual, vulnerability assessments and more to come.
Membership will include subscription to our biannually trade magazine “The Future of Water” .