Lead and Copper Rule Resources
The December 16 announcement of revisions to the EPA’s Lead and Copper Rule means big changes for rural water utilities. RWAA will use this page to collect resources to help keep members up-to-date on the current regulatory environment and ensure that their systems are on track for compliance by the 2024 target date. See below for links to ADEQ’s and the EPA’s LCRR pages, as well as training opportunities related to the revisions.
In addition to the information from federal and state agencies, RWAA partner 120Water has provided members with a set of assets to begin their preparations, including an LCRR Timeline, a sample decision tree and an executive report in which seven utility experts give their predictions for the future of the water and wastewater industry. You can find these documents at the links below.
RWAA members will also receive preferred pricing on services provided by 120Water to help utilities achieve compliance with the new rules.